Welcome to my digital garden! 🌱 This vault is a constant work in progress. Things are going to change, be added, disappear, look messy, and most importantly β€” *be wrong.* # Getting around - **Forest** β€” Ideas of my own, or distilled from existing texts in my own words. They interconnect using the compass system. - **Highlights** β€” Verbatim media/literature highlights imported via Readwise. - **Clippings** β€” Highlights that I created manually. Some notes are in my own words, some are transcripted from its source. - **Projects** β€” Anything that is actively defined as a 'project'. Still under maintenance. # What I'm interested in right now - [[Emotion and rationality.moc|Emotion and rationality]]: I'm exploring the relationship between these two concepts sociologically and psychologically. - [[Bureaucracy creates meaningless work]]: What work is actually important? - [[Variety of system outputs]]: Political systems that work β€” how can we design them? - [[HarvardX CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python - Masterlist]]: I'm learning Python for the first time! # To-do for me - [x] Put atom sources back in the main part of the note - [x] Add a logo - [x] Convert questions to MOCs - [ ] Clean up inbox for publication - [ ] Clean up project folder for full publication - [ ] Break down unwieldly atoms into individual notes - [ ] [[Incremental working supports job applications β€’ 2022-09-17 20-40]] - [ ] [[Fiction is only obligated to portray]] - [ ] [[Affirmative action in hiring helps overall equality]] - [ ] [[Writing works best when incremental]] - [ ] [[Writing is a distinctly human act]] - [ ] [[Work has outgrown human capability]] - [ ] [[Women's lack of confidence is socially imposed, not individually intrinsic]] - [ ] [[The world won't be equal when everyone works]] - [ ] [[The internet is the peak of democracy]] - [ ] [[The internet is a breeding ground for misinformation]] - [ ] [[Productivity tools are best when tailored by their user]] - [ ] [[Prefer starting from collection to deciding from scratch]] - [ ] [[Power structures benefit from isolating individuals]] - [ ] [[Personality is now a product]] - [ ] [[Personal assistants are branching from productivity systems]] - [ ] [[Monetary value is purely speculative]] - [ ] [[Misinformation thrived even before the internet]] - [ ] [[Knowledge under capitalism is a privilege]] - [ ] [[Influence is replacing the value of expertise]] - [ ] [[Incremental work]] - [ ] [[Incremental work reduces stress]] - [ ] [[Immigration is supported only as an economic resource]] - [ ] [[Humanity has an information surplus]] - [ ] [[Fictional portrayals can encourage dehumanisation]] - [ ] [[Fiction affects how its audience views reality]] - [ ] [[Favourite problems train curiosity into productivity]] - [ ] [[Education is a class-based filtering tool]] - [ ] [[Eco-fascism and corporations with scarcity β€’ 2022-10-02 12-24]] - [ ] [[Doomscrolling is a symptom of consumerism]] - [ ] [[Creativity is identifying links]] - [ ] [[Corporations and conservatives work together]] - [ ] [[Companies cannot be held morally responsible]] - [ ] [[Catholic doctrines are created to establish political capital]] - [ ] [[Anti-abortion arguments are not Biblically supported]] - [ ] [[A free market is a conservative market]] - [ ] Link all highlights to an atom or MOC